Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Theory can be read in the post Textusa's Initial Theory (2008)


  1. I beleive and I agree with The Teory.


  2. I am sorry Textusa, normmaly I am in line with you, in this instance I am not...I think that Payne and some of the group are paedophilles..I think this because of the allegations made against him and because the allegations state that Gerry and Kate were privvy to his filthy words and actions..I think Madeleine was the victim of Payne with the McCanns consent and Madeliene tried to get away from him..thus the fall..The reason they cant have the body discovered is because also to be discovered would be the long term abuse, I think the Smiths did see Madeleine being carried by Gerry to a temporary hiding place and the reason for the intervention of Gordon Brown was because there are high up people within the government who are involved with paedophillia.

  3. SYM,

    I don't want to go that way.

    I'm not saying that your opinion is not true. I just don't want it to be. That would blind my thoughts.

    Then, SYM, human justice wouldn't be capable to handle this.

    Thanks for the comment. You know how welcome you are here.

  4. Nothing explains why the McCanns did not erupt in to fury at the way Payne simulated fellatio whilst talking with the McCanns..Any normal parent would have punched his lights out for saying such things of their daughter..He also had to be certain he could speak in this way to the McCanns without them reporting him..
    Then there is his words to sol about a pact and it being nobody elses business, the way he interfered with the woman Yvonne sent to help, advising the McCanns not to speak to her,Then there is the fact he was meant to be at the partment and the last independant person to see Madeleine, Kate says thirty mins and Gerry says thirty seconds..And he did not go back for the reconstruction...He also arranged the holiday.

  5. Upsss. Speak said strong but also very true words.
    So: G.A.+Text+Speak,oh yes= The Theory.
    Yes,I believe that is a big fact and a very painful one.

  6. SYM,

    I think David's pedo tendencies are known to everyone in the group. Pedo's don't tend to share their children. They like to exhibit themselves with their “conquests”. The younger and the bigger the forcing factor is titillating to them. They become, in their sick minds, both conquerors, by seduction and capability of initiation, and by violence, as any male should aspire to be. Incapable of control of both sanity and urges.

    Now, if you are to be right, you have a father, playing tennis, offering his own daughter, as sacrificial lamb. This “sacrifice” would have taken place in front of the child’s mother, with her consent and help, and her brethren. The “sacrifice” would have gone wrong, and she would have ended up dead.

    The father and mother of the “sacrificed” victim would have then consented in the protection of the rapist of their assassinated offspring and actively participate in the disposal of the body…

    SYM, see where I don’t want to go to with this?

    In the ignominious case that this would be true, there could only be ONE sentence in any Earthly court (including those that do pass on death sentences): “sentenced to imprisonment for the remainder of this life, and to be tried by the ONLY competent Court.”

    No SYM, and I’m not sorry to disagree with you because my head then lives with much less weight, we are simply before what I call a series of “mis-antecipations”. I will write about them, one day. But I can give you one upfront: they didn’t anticipate the tenacity f people like you, me, and thousands who visit us daily, who comment, who fight for Justice. Maddie was not the first child to die wrongfully. But she was the first to have generated so much support in having Justice served to those who harmed her. As I said, they didn’t, and couldn’t anticipate this. And so many other things.

    I’ll write about it one of these days.

    For now… I’m enjoying the smell of fear emanating from the McCann gut.
