This post serves to preserve the comments made to the Theory, but posted on
The location of this post in that blog was changed within its page and I wished for nothing to be lost.
The location of this post in that blog was changed within its page and I wished for nothing to be lost.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteSeems to me that theory is the real truth. Strong but probably the reality.
I thank You by this.
Apr 17, 2009 8:43:00 AM
Anonymous said...
Text. : não sei se é este o pedaço do Jornal que apanhei(no da noite).
aqui,onde resido,vejo aos soluços no comp.Sorry.
Acho que sim e até penso defender a morte da Menina no Ocean....
Não posso garantir.CERTO: a Funcionária mora(va) em frente à Igreja.
VEJA!S.F.F. também se usa não é?
May 3, 2009 1:15:00 PM
Textusa said...
ReplyDeleteAnon, thank you for the link. I've fwd it to who I think best can translate it.
I, like GA, think that the church was a key point that evening, and/or subsequent days.
Let's be patient. Truth will be known
May 3, 2009 7:04:00 PM
Textusa said...
ReplyDeleteI've just checked, and Joana has handled this issue very nicely, as usual. :-)
May 3, 2009 7:47:00 PM
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteSim, aquela Igreja tem muito que se lhe diga e o desgraçado do Padre Católico foi apanhado e enrolado.
Vi na BBC 1 texto/vídeo das catacumbas em Roma,a 3D.
Fiz 1 com. no da Joana dizendo que eram as catacumbas da Igreja da P. da Luz,embora tenha reposto a verdade.
Não sei se ela o colocou por não gostar da piada,visto que os de uk afirmam haver túneis/catacumbas não só por baixo do resort mas também por baixo da Igreja.
May 4, 2009 12:21:00 AM
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteE hoje,aqui na Teoria,gostava de chamar a atenção para "Los carritos",em:
O carrinho,na imagem inferior, dá que pensar.Tudo tapado.Mas os carritos são bem "funcionais"....
Sempre que vou ao Hasta,aquilo chama mesmo a atenção.**************
Tudo calmo? Nada de "convidados"?
vexa/maria como muitas.
May 7, 2009 6:48:00 PM
Textusa said...
ReplyDeleteNo, all is calm out at sea.
But beware, beneath its calm waters, one never knows what is happening...
May 7, 2009 6:59:00 PM
Anonymous said...
I thank to You ,the answer.
maria c pois.
E os carrinhos como se poderiam encaixar na Sua teoria ou até na prometida carta aberta à k. mc cann?
De qq. modo,se responder,verei apenas amanhã.
Tudo pelo melhor e sem correio indesejado.
May 7, 2009 7:18:00 PM
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeletePage 800-804, volume III of process 201/07.0GALGS at joana's blog a very important explanation about....
May 8, 2009 1:04:00 PM
mariacpois said...
ReplyDeleteBem,pelos vistos o link sobre o s(apenas 8 pedófilos) coloquei-o para mim, no sítio certo: o dos desenhos.
Sempre acreditei na Sua Teoria desde em que pela 1ª vez a colocou como 1 comentário no blogue de Joana,e ela pediu-lhe que entrasse em contacto por mail.Assim surgiu e bem o Seu Blog.
E os amigos dos pais não são próximos? SÃO/FORAM. É que dizemos o mesmo,mas o pensamento corre mais depressa do que as palavras.
Maria pois.
Estou a ouvir aos fluxos como me aparece(parecido c/soluços) o oprah da sic.Só hoje|E o Mockm. nem o consigo visionar por estar no Linux o qual ainda não domino e na cama,o que torna tudo + chato.(3 dias adoentada).
alguns dos com, como anon, até são meus(preguicite e incómodo).
May 8, 2009 8:04:00 PM
mariacpois said...
ReplyDeleteBem,pelos vistos o link sobre o s(apenas 8 pedófilos) coloquei-o para mim, no sítio certo: o dos desenhos.
Sempre acreditei na Sua Teoria desde em que pela 1ª vez a colocou como 1 comentário no blogue de Joana,e ela pediu-lhe que entrasse em contacto por mail.Assim surgiu e bem o Seu Blog.
E os amigos dos pais não são próximos? SÃO/FORAM. É que dizemos o mesmo,mas o pensamento corre mais depressa do que as palavras.
Maria pois.
Estou a ouvir aos fluxos como me aparece(parecido c/soluços) o oprah da sic.Só hoje|E o Mockm. nem o consigo visionar por estar no Linux o qual ainda não domino e na cama,o que torna tudo + chato.(3 dias adoentada).
alguns dos com, como anon, até são meus(preguicite e incómodo).
Estive a lê-los e são todos meus aqui.
May 8, 2009 8:06:00 PM
Textusa said...
Don't worry, you may be the only one who has left comments, but believe me, many have read it.
May 8, 2009 11:27:00 PM
mariacpois said...
ReplyDeleteNo, I saw ,I have read more comments from anothers. Only yesterday I was in a bad day and something aborreceu-me( o dicionário está noutra dependência/quarto/assoalhada).That is why my "bad" answer.Sorry.
Have a nice day,please.
May 9, 2009 8:07:00 AM
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteUpsss.....Este texto,A Teoria e o do T9 (virulento/("State-Terrorism") são de uma enorme força,com uma linha de raciocínio fundamentada e absolutamente magníficos.
Nós os leitores estamos de parabéns ao termos acesso a brilhantes deduções que nos aproximam da verdade.
Bem,não sei se acredite na Hope....
May 10, 2009 4:51:00 PM
mariacpois said...
ReplyDeleteMuch more money,ping,ping,ping:
Perde por não twittar:
"The entry of another 6.000£ into the Find Madeleine Fund has relieved Kate McCann’s suffering. This is what one of the media that is closest to Maddie’s parents tells us. According to that weekly paper, approximately 200 people took part in a fundraising evening that was organised at the “Bishop Ellis RC School” in Thurmaston, near Rothley, the school where Maddie should have started her school life and where Sean and Amelie will go to in September.
“It helps us so much”, Madelein...."
DE: Duarte Levy
May 10, 2009 5:58:00 PM
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete"Escrevo pelo prazer de escrever o que dá aos outros prazer de ler. "
May 11, 2009 7:49:00 PM
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteE há pouco, numa Tv perto de mim, ao menos ouvi outra vez(RARAMENTE) falar de RUI PEDRO;HELDER CAVACO;RITA SLOF MONTEIRO.
Gostei do que o Dr. Ricardo Sá Fernandes disse quanto à Imprensa: mais vale que conte os casos,vezes e vezes sem fim.
Tenho muita pena de não ver aqui o texto,Sem Título.
O que apanhei agora só vou ler amanhã-liguei isto pela satisfação que tive ao ouvir, AO MENOS ,falar dos NOSSOS.
Com todo o carinho Maddie não vou ver o que se passou em USA(show) nem sequer a "reconstituição" que o daddy fabricou.A do daddy.
May 11, 2009 10:13:00 PM
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteY tú, ¿Qué opinas? ¿Con qué versión de los hechos te quedas? ¿Qué crees que pasó en realidad aquel fatídico 3 de mayo de 2007? ¡Cuéntanoslo todo! - Para votar: Aquí
May 15, 2009 8:20:00 PM
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteTeoria de Text+ a Teoria de Gonçalo Amaral.
A minha crença,infelizmente para a Madeleine Mc Cann.
May 15, 2009 8:41:00 PM
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteE para completar o que infelizmente sabemos e ficarmos mais esclarecidos,proponho a leitura frequente deste blog(além do Seu,Text):
May 19, 2009 8:57:00 PM
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI dont believe Payne went to have sex with Kate, i think he went to molest Madeleine, i dont believe its about swinging, i think its about peodophilia, Maddie could well have been trying to get away from him, it is well known that peodos come from all walks of life, even governments, police, judicial system etc. Paynes past behaviour as reported by the two Dr friends of McCanns and also the social worker who recognised him, make me more suspicious of him. He hasnt tried to sue anyone, strange in itself. Kate and Gerrys total lack of emotional attachment and responsibility to their children is another pointer. If it were about swinging, what would anyone say about that if outed, its unlikely anyone in high places would have posed for nude pics. But what would bring a government down would be known peodophilia.
May 22, 2009 11:53:00 PM
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThe dogs haven´t find the Maddie trousers.Nobody.
And,yes,I beleive that litlle girl was molested by the paido d.p. with knowledge from mcsperverteds.
May 23, 2009 8:03:00 AM
Anonymous said...
minha correcção por ter confundido duas imagens e nome.Neste link estão as fotos do antes de agora(moribundo)
peço desculpa por ter feito a confusão,neste aspecto.
May 23, 2009 8:57:00 AM
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete1 sempre moribundo demasiadamente conveniente:"But now cops are worried he will not survive his battle with cancer. "
Quantas poucas horas demorarão a ir de UK to Germany?
Published: 22 May 2009
THE new suspect in the Madeleine McCann case is tonight seriously ill in hospital.
Com foto,em mais novo.
May 23, 2009 9:09:00 AM
Anonymous said...
"The sister in charge of the intensive care unit where Hewlett is being held last night said: "He is too ill to receive visitors.
"He is very ill. His doctors said he should not see anyone.
"Maybe if he gets better over the weekend he may be able to have visitors.
"But at the moment it is impossible. He is in very bad health and is resting in intensive care."
THE new suspect in the Madeleine McCann case is tonight seriously ill in hospital.
May 23, 2009 9:11:00 AM
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteUpsss, a ave de rapina está super!
May 23, 2009 2:22:00 PM
Anonymous said...
May 23, 2009 6:57:00 PM
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteTirei do Blogue de Joana este comentário pois gosto sempre de ler o que le pensa:
On May 23, guerra said...
Não há ninguém em Portugal que tem coragem para defender o Sr. Amaral. Parece-me que estão a fazer tudo possível para destruir este homem. Uma pessoa já não sabe o que há de pensar. Não ficam surpreendidos se o casal obtêm uma confissão assinada do novo suspeito antes dele morrer. Com essa confissão vai ser fácil processar o Sr.Amaral, e os livros, e documentários dele nunca mais vão ser vistos."
Já agora,poderá contra comentar ou analisar estes pensamentos?
May 23, 2009 7:40:00 PM
Nana said...
ReplyDeleteParabéns pela bela exposição dos fatos. Maddie precisa de pessoas como vc, Amaral e tantas outras pessoas que se recusam a abandoná-la como fizeram seus pais.
Um abraço brasileiro!
May 28, 2009 9:29:00 AM
Anonymous said...
May 28, 2009 4:59:00 PM
Anonymous said...
May 28, 2009 9:08:00 PM
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteSwine flu 'cannot be contained'
Jul 2, 2009 8:31:00 PM
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteTaking on Mexico's kidnap gangs
Jul 4, 2009 8:03:00 PM
Textusa said...
ReplyDeleteCannot seem to understand the connection between Maddie and the words "Mexico", "kidnap" or "ransom".
Can understand similatity between "Tapas" and "gang".
Jul 4, 2009 11:54:00 PM
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteNo.Only news about about others children and dangers.That's all.
Not personal and private news.
Jul 5, 2009 12:04:00 PM
Textusa said...
ReplyDeleteApologise for the comment then. Thought it from those who want to shove kidnapping conspiracies into unswallowing throats.
Its an inhuman world this one. Hope that God may explain to me, in the hereafter, what seems to be a very sick creation: humanity.
I trust His will, though.
Jul 5, 2009 12:16:00 PM
IRONSIDE said...
ReplyDeleteTEXTUSA, I love your work. I hope you find time to write another article soon.
Take care
Nov 20, 2009 4:22:00 PM
Textusa said...
Thank you for such kind words.
About me writing again, I hope I'll do that soon.
Just have to find patience and will. Patience with myself, will to find motive to fight the McCs, as they are currently a pitiful sight as human beings that to strike them now would be as brave triping a blind man trying to cross a busy street. Not that I'll stop writing, because as I've always said, all of this affair has overcome them, the dead little girl, the Payne scum, the Tanner idiocy (if that word exists), and has taken a proportion that I believe many in the future will come back to study the phenomenon and analyse, word by word, all we, the "truth-defenders", have written (are writing) in our assymetrical effort to fight this enormous Goliath we're all facing.
Thank you for your care. See you soon. I hope.
Nov 20, 2009 11:44:00 PM
IRON. said...
ReplyDeleteIt seems Textusa that your theory may hold much more than you think...I have just found this post from TTW4...
Why would Payne not mention this is his statement. Curious.
Kate Mccann in her diary wrote....Madeleines fear of pain...
Maybe she meant Madeleines fear of PAYNE.
The last morning of Madeleines life the nanny said when on the boat , Madeleine was afraid . The nanny did not know what she was afraid of.
TTW4s post...
I have just finished reading David Paynes statement that he gave to Leicestershire Police concerning his movements on the evening of the 3rd of May 2007. It appears Paynes memory is failing, as he has omitted to mention his visit to the Mccanns apartment that evening, when Kate was bathing the children. He also forgets that he was the last person outside of Madeleines immediate family to see Madeleine alive. For the Mccanns, that their daughter was forgotten, and so easily too, by Gerry and Kate Mccanns closest friend, must surely have been depressing news.
Posted by thentherewere4 (TTW4) at 4:55pm on September 15, 2009
Payne holds the key ...
Nov 21, 2009 10:05:00 AM
Textusa said...
The fact that I saw at once that Payne was directly involved in Maddie's demise, doesn't make me a smart person at all.
I simply added up all the dots as they were shown to me, not letting someone else do the adding up for me.
Does that make me smart? Don't think so.
However, some, in this sordid affair, thought they were smarter than those, like myself, aren't smart at all. Arrogance, I say, gets you not very far, if anywhere at all.
You raise a point about the relationship between Payne and Maddie. SYM also raised it. Others have also. My mind refuses to go there. Not that I don't think Payne isn't capable of such. I have seen how sick a human being can be. But that would mean that my opinion about Kate and Gerry to stoop down to cause myself nausea.
Thanks for the comment
Nov 21, 2009 11:37:00 AM
Ironside said...
ReplyDeleteThanks Textusa, no, I do not want to go in that direction either. I do however wonder if someone saw something in PDL that they are unaware of witnessing. Something to do with Payne. I find it no conincidence that the Mccanns pushed for the investigation to go after Murat, even some of the tapas went back and pointed the finger at Murat. Why?..there was nothing to connect him. Or was there. His looks. He looks very much like Payne. Many came forward and said they saw Murat. No one came forward and said they saw Payne. Payne was kept very much in the background.What if the Mccanns and Co were waiting for someone to come forward and say they saw Murat doing something when in fact it was Payne. Payne knows that someone out there is a witness to him. Is that why Payne did not go back with Mccann for the reconstruction. Is there a witness to this crime that none of us are aware of not even the witness.
Payne went out with Mccann at 4 am after the search was stopped for the night.Where did they go and what did they do. Was Payne seen at this time and is that why they pointed the finger at Murat because he looks like Payne?
Just thinking out loud but would respect your thoughts.
Nov 21, 2009 12:38:00 PM
Textusa said...
I'm pretty sure of what happened that night. Have no proof, but both my gut and the detail-fitting give me reason. I had/have it written down in my "Open Letter to Kate", but didn´t publish it because a friend told me that it was quite crude in the details described, as well as there were serious accusations that I could not prove and would get me possible legal problems. I promised this friend that I would soften it up, and would write a lot of defensive sentences in each of the paragraphs. But, like many promises that I do still intend on keeping, this is one I keep putting off for some whatever reasons.
Please give me time. Patience and Wiilpower. And believe me that Mr. Payne was not the only person whose discreet action were remarkable relevant that evening. Some of them we know by name, but many others we only may hope that they may have a speck of conscience so that they may feel guilty for what they have done for the remainder of their lives. And I think they do, because they keep coming back to see if anything new is written in blogs such as this one.
But all could be my imagination. Or not.
Nov 21, 2009 4:06:00 PM
Ironside said...
ReplyDeleteThanks Textusa , look forward to your next article. If I think of anything I will leave my thoughts here with you.
Have a very pleasant Sunday with your family.
Nov 22, 2009 9:21:00 AM
Ironside said...
Nov 24, 2009 7:01:00 PM
Ironside said...
No room for doubt is there?
Feliz Fiestas de España Textusa
Dec 13, 2009 7:46:00 PM
Ironside said...
Dec 13, 2009 7:48:00 PM
Ironside said...
Textusa... just spreading the word.
Dec 15, 2009 2:58:00 PM
Garth said...
ReplyDeleteWhat a tosser you are!
Feb 8, 2010 8:34:00 PM
ReplyDeleteHi Textusa + Ironside,
Here's wishing you both well in your joint venture. Would you post a link from your blog to mine please?
Feb 12, 2010 8:52:00 PM
Textusa said...
ReplyDeleteTTW4, have done so, with pleasure.
Took the liberty of doing so in my "main" blog. If you don't agree just say so.
Feb 12, 2010 9:51:00 PM
IRONSIDE said...
ReplyDeleteDavid Payne phoned the Specialist Crime Directorate on the 4th May 2007 at 23:15 for 100 seconds -> 02072302061 #Gaspar
Hi Tex have just picked this up from Twitter...I think your theory may be the ONLY theory...
Mar 10, 2010 11:28:00 AM
IRONSIDE said...
ReplyDeleteA snippet from Kates 'Diary'taken from McCannfiles...
G men's tennis night
B pyjamas
Biscuits and milk for the kids - left them with this and books and games and went to take a quick bath / wash my hair.
I got out of the bath and David was knocking on the patio doors.
I wrapped myself in a towel and went into the living room.
He asked if we wanted to go to the recreational area, since he could help me take the kids.
Refused - since kids ready for bed.
I dressed myself.
Ate some snacks with the kids
M tired - sitting on my lap - read story of MOG
Brush teeth
To bedroom with kids
G there too - I think.
[Children's music] - M telling story
M removes and lowers head on pillow
Mar 10, 2010 8:31:00 PM
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThat man (John Geraghty) was interviewed in RTP ' Front line' report.
He said, that it's his opinion and the opinion of his friends that Madeleine is dead. He add that somebody ( um louco) THAT NIGHT (3 of May) have done something very bad to the little girl.
He make it clear, ' THAT NIGHT', not after, which mean's Madeleine been dead when was removed from the flat and the complete ruin of Kate and Gerry claims that she was not harmed and could be alive.
If the guy is the one which had the keys of the church that night.....
Please Textusa, have a look at the 'Front line' Report from RTP and congratulations for your deep analise on that case.
I can't remember where, but I read somewhere (a newspaper) priest Pacheco saying that the Mccann's tryed to connect him with Paedophilia (chantagem) and is life was ruined. I don't know if was an article in 24 horas or Tal e Qual.
May 11, 2010 9:22:00 AM
Anonymous said...
Front line report..Latest
May 11, 2010 4:36:00 PM